Dear Friends,
In the first year of our shlichus, I had the opportunity to go into "yechidus" (a private meeting in the Rebbe's office).
At the meeting, the Rebbe placed his holy hand on his heart, firmly, and said the following words to me: "If I were (in your place) in Lyon, I would make every effort to enable another child, and another child, and another child to study in a proper Jewish institution."
It is our duty to get every Jewish child interested in joining a Jewish school to have the opportunity to do so.
Over forty years have passed since then, and the Beth Menachem school is bursting at its seams with over 700 students.
The classrooms have become crowded and we have no possibility of accepting the children who knock on our door and are looking for a holy and pure Jewish education.
Today we are undertaking a new project to build an 8000 square meter building that will cost approximately 10 million euros.
I appeal to you to participate wholeheartedly in this important project
I am sure that as it bears the name of the Rebbe, "Beth Menachem", the Rebbe's blessings will certainly be bestowed upon you physically and spiritually, and you shall have infinite "nachas" (satisfaction) from your children.
Over the next few days, we will G-d willing begin an accelerated construction, culminating with a new and magnificent building for the well-being of the Jewish community of Lyon.
Today I am turning to you,
Please do what the Lubavitcher Rebbe would do if he were in your place!
Today you can become partners with the Rebbe!
Today is the time to make education our top priority!
Thanking you very much in advance.
כתיבה וחתימה טובה
Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Gurewitz
Emissary of the Rebbe in Lyon-France
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Soutiens : 1 mètre carré soit 202 euros par mois sur 24 mois
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Partenaires : 2 mètres carrés soit 404 € par mois pendant 24 mois + plaque commémorative sur le mur des partenaires dans le nouveau bâtiment
Soit un seul versement de : 9 696 €
Ambassadeurs : 4 mètres carrés 808 € par mois pendant 24 mois + plaque commémorative sur le mur des partenaires dans le nouveau bâtiment
ou en un seul versement de 19 392 €
Piliers : 7 mètres carrés soit 1414 euros par mois pendant 24 mois + plaque commémorative sur le mur des partenaires dans le nouveau bâtiment
ou un versement de 33 936 €
Bienfaiteurs : 10 mètres carrés soit 2 020 € par mois pendant 24 mois + une plaque commémorative sur le mur des partenaires du nouveau bâtiment + visite chez le Rabbi avec un groupe de bienfaiteurs de Lyon après l'inauguration du bâtiment
ou un seul versement de : 48 480 €
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