Bearing the name of SAINT VENERE RABBI HAIM COHEN (of Fez), DAAT HAIM is a Sephardic Talmudic institution of excellence created 24 years ago at the initiative and under the spiritual direction of Rav STEINMAN, great of the generation.
Established in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish people, DAAT HAIM has since its creation enabled thousands of students, mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds, to receive high quality education and five years of training allowing them to become brilliant Talmudists and spiritual cadres qualified to meet the needs of modern communities.
DAAT HAIM is thousands of hours of study given every day to students carefully chosen, both for their intellectual capacities and for their human qualities.
These students are supervised by professors with a broad and deep knowledge of the Talmud and an understanding of human issues which enables them to transmit the values of Judaism to the youth of today. These teachers are deeply committed to the development of their students on a spiritual, intellectual and moral level.
DAAT HAIM is also social actions, helping thousands of needy families and sick children.
DAAT HAIM Institutions are licensed and recognized by the Israeli Ministries of Education, Worship, Social Affairs and Solidarity.
DAAT HAIM Institutions are supported by men and women grouped around the DAAT HAIM Association in France where the project was initiated and since then by donors in other countries.
DAAT HAIM needs your help.
It is your donations, donated 100%, that make life and growth possible with the help of D…. DAAT HAIM Institutions.
Our Holy TORAH is a tree of life for those who are attached to it. It is this wonderful form of association that has always allowed and will always allow our people, in their diversity, to remain united around the "Book of Books" carrying a universal message.
Be thanked and blessed for your support.
Rav Chalom Bettan
DAAT HAIM, during its creation, benefited from the support of the rabbinical authorities of Israel.
Always attentive to its needs, they ensure its development and fulfillment:
Rav Israel Meir LAU - Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Rav Haïm KANIEVSKI z"l Great of the generation, world-renowned Talmudist scholar.
Rav Mikhel Yéhouda LEIFKOVITZ z "l - Talmudist scholar of world renown, who was dean of many institutions.
Rav Chalom MESSAS z "l - Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.
Rav Joseph SITRUK z "l - Chief Rabbi of France.
Rav Aharon Yéhouda STEINMAN z "l - Great of the generation, world-renowned Talmudist scholar, was dean of many institutions
In a letter of March 20, 98, Rav STEINMAN welcomed the opening, by Rav Shalom BETTAN, one of the most brilliant students of kollel Poniovitz, of a new institution for Sephardic youth, insisting on "the obvious need for such institutions ".
Since the disappearance of Rav STEINMAN z "l (at hanukkah 5778-December 2017) DAAT HAIM is under the chairmanship of Rav Gerchon EIDELSTEIN z"l a (born April 1923- 5683) Roch Yechiva from Poniovitz to Bnei Brak and chairman of the council of great of the Torah and enjoys the blessing and constant listening of the famous Rav Chaim KANIEVSKI chlit "a (born January 1928-5688).
On the occasion of the inauguration of the campus (in June 2006) dedicated by the family to the memory of their parents Yéhouda and Hanna DEVICO, many Rabanims expressed their support, including Rav Nissim TOLEDANO z "member of the council of the great de la Torah and Roch Yechiva de Cheerit Yossef, Rav Gabriel TOLEDANO z "l Roch Yechiva d'Or Baroukh, Rav Moché Yéhouda SHLEZINGER Roch Yechiva de kol Thora, Rav Yaacov BENAIM Roch Yechiva de Nahalat Moché, Rav Yehochoua NEUVIRT z" l, author of Shemirat Chabat Kehilheta, Rav Réouven ELBAZ Roch Yechiva de Or Hahayim, Rav Yaacov HILLEL world-renowned kabbalist, Rav Chlomo AMAR Chief Rabbi of Israel (Richon Letsion), Rav Raphaël CHMOULEVITS z "l Roch Yechiva de Mir, Rav Baroukh WEISBEKER Roch Yechiva de Bet Matityaou as well as the great Masters of Moussar (of ethics) Rav Naftali KAPLAN, Rav Dan SEGAL, Rav David ELALOUF, Rav Ytshak Yerouham BORIDIANSKI and Rav Chlomo BREUIER
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